Four Steps to Fighting Change Resistance

Four Steps to Fighting Change Resistance

You Know Your Organization Needs to Change. You Just Don’t Know How to Get Your Employees Onboard. While there’s no getting around the fact that people fear change, you don’t have to let it affect your ERP or digital transformation initiative. An organizational change...
Case Studies on ERP Project Recovery

Case Studies on ERP Project Recovery

ERP projects fail at an astounding rate. Fortunately, most can be recovered before litigation becomes necessary. We sat down with Richard Armitage, Manager of Client and Expert Services at Panorama, to hear some stories about his recent project recovery experiences....
The Best ERP Systems in the Market

The Best ERP Systems in the Market

Our clients ask us all the time: “what are the best ERP systems in the market?” As you can imagine, this is a near impossible question to answer with any sort of accuracy.” You’re unique. It’s a good thing, but it makes that question incredibly difficult to...
The Top 10 ERP Software Blogs of 2016

The Top 10 ERP Software Blogs of 2016

The new year is always a good time to make resolutions to educate ourselves and expand our horizons. With that in mind, it’s also helpful to look at past blogs that have proven to be the most useful to our readers over the last year. Below are the top 10 blogs as...
ERP Software Lessons from Bob Dylan

ERP Software Lessons from Bob Dylan

Earlier this year, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. I’ve become a big fan of his music and lyrics over the years, so I was particularly excited to hear that he received this honor. As a music buff, I’m always interested in connecting the dots...