ERP Systems: Build vs. Buy

Since many of us are natural problem-solvers, it may often be tempting to identify and create our own solutions when we encounter a new demand in our business. Can our problem be resolved by using a macro? Should we ask our technology team to create a new software...

The Real Reasons Why ERP Implementations Fail to Deliver to Expectations

CFOs and CIOs of most organizations begin their ERP implementations with the expectations that their businesses will be transformed along the way. Using the power and flexibility of ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics and Tier II ERP software, executives expect material cost improvements to their supply chains, more effective interactions with their […]

EHR for ESL Populations

Driven by the requirements of the HITECH Act and by the promise of incentive payments, healthcare providers and physicians across the U.S. are eagerly pursing the sometimes elusive goal of “meaningful use.” While this concept is clearly defined by the Medicaid EHR...