by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 8, 2013 | Business Process Management, ERP Blog, Government
In December we wrote about the inadequate leadership and mismanagement that led to the $1B U.S. Air Force ERP failure. Surely, poor communication and dishonesty were at fault but what else can be said about this IT disaster? As with any ERP failure, disaster can be...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 4, 2013 | ERP Blog, Implementation
Every industry faces its own set of challenges when it comes implementing ERP software. Perhaps the most unique and compelling implementation concerns are found in the healthcare industry, where the introduction of new software can mean each patient’s well-being is,...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 1, 2013 | ERP Blog, Implementation, Software Selection
Many ERP software selection consultants do little to lay the foundation for a successful implementation. The only thing that they (hopefully) do is help their client get the right product. In reality, there is a lot more to ERP success than selecting the right...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 31, 2013 | ERP Blog
This webinar clip provides 20 ERP software selection tips to consider before implementation. The full webinar is available here: Understanding the Differences Between Leading ERP Software. For more YouTube videos and webinar clips, visit our YouTube...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 30, 2013 | ERP Blog
Much skepticism and uncertainty has clouded the ERP industry for the last several years. Bloated and ineffective implementations, high risk, ERP failures, lawsuits and cumbersome software have given many ERP vendors somewhat of a black eye over the last several years....
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 25, 2013 | ERP Blog, Implementation, Project Management
Kudzu vine is an invasive species that spreads out over buildings and fields, suffocating all in its path in a soulless quest for domination. It’s kind of reminiscent of ERP implementation scope creep in that regard. Given the opportunity, ERP scope will push...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 21, 2013 | Change Management, ERP Blog
Effective and efficient ERP training is the cornerstone of every successful organizational change management (OCM) plan. Training end-users and preparing employees for system go-live directly contributes to bottom-line results and ERP success. But what does effective...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 18, 2013 | ERP Blog
Being the best at what you do requires making the most of every resource that you have. That’s what growing organizations do. They squeeze every drop of productivity from their ERP systems to help their people do a better job – better than the competition. Some...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 14, 2013 | ERP Blog, Software Selection
Cloud ERP software may never completely replace traditional ERP systems but cloud adoption has definitely gained momentum during the past couple of years. There is also an increasing amount of interest in cloud and SaaS implementation strategies as well as an abiding...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 11, 2013 | Change Management, ERP Blog
Any industry expert will tell you that ERP implementations are not just about technology. People and business processes matter more to the success of an ERP project than abundant IT staffing and strategic customization ever will. Nonetheless, most organizations – no...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 10, 2013 | ERP Blog
Hosted by Eric Kimberling, managing partner of Panorama Consulting Solutions, this webinar clip provides ten predictions from 2011 for the ERP market in 2012. Compare with Top Ten Predictions for the ERP Industry in 2013. For more YouTube videos and webinar clips,...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 9, 2013 | ERP Blog, Implementation
Let’s face it: the complexities, risks and pitfalls of ERP implementations can challenge even the most seasoned professionals. In fact, and as underscored in our 2012 ERP Report (Panorama’s study of hundreds of ERP initiatives across the globe), most ERP...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 4, 2013 | ERP Blog, Software Selection
When evaluating ERP vendors, one of the most important factors to consider is whether or not your organization can rely on the vendor for maintenance and support services. What if you find a bug in your system that needs to be fixed? What if you need upgrades or...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 3, 2013 | Change Management, ERP Blog
This webinar clip covers recommendations on how organizations can leverage organizational change management (OCM) tools and processes to mitigate OCM challenges. The full webinar is available here: Five Key Organizational Change Management Challenges With ERP...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 2, 2013 | Business Process Management, Change Management, ERP Blog, Expert Witness, Implementation
Now that the holidays are over and the predictions for 2013 are in, we can get back to the business at hand for the coming year. This is the time when many of our existing and potential clients are either planning for upgrades or improvements or looking for ways to...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 21, 2012 | ERP Blog, Implementation, Project Management
In my last blog post, I mentioned that to ignore project governance is a very quick way to make your project manager (PM) curl up in a corner and cry – and that is especially important during an ERP implementation. Although that might be very amusing for a minute or...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 19, 2012 | ERP Blog, Software Selection
In our top ten predictions for 2013 blog posted last month, we highlighted mobile ERP systems as one of the key trends to gain momentum in the coming year. As we are seeing in both our ERP software selection and ERP implementation practice areas, this will likely be...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 14, 2012 | ERP Blog, Project Management
Does your project manager (PM) seem to enjoy their job a little too much? Are they whistling while they update Microsoft Project with plans for the organization’s ERP implementation? Do they bring in doughnuts for everyone “just because”? If you see these signs, you...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 12, 2012 | ERP Blog
Cloud ERP systems are getting a lot of attention these days. SaaS ERP vendors – such as Salesforce, Workday, Plex Systems and NetSuite – and other cloud providers are demonstrating revenue growth that most traditional ERP vendors aren’t seeing. In addition, many...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 10, 2012 | ERP Blog
Choosing an ERP system is one of the most strategic decisions for mid-market companies and their CEOs face a significant dilemma. Should I choose a system for today, or for how my company may look in 5 to 10 years? Should I go for a full system or start small with a...