by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 13, 2012 | ERP Blog, Software Selection
Everyone knows that a bespoke solution — be it in building architecture, clothing design or exercise routines — is a better option than the off-the-rack alternative. Sure it’s more expensive, but the payoff is almost always worth it. So why do so...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 10, 2012 | ERP Blog, Implementation, Project Management
Six Sigma is a term companies equate to resource overload, too much money, and time consumption, which can certainly act as a deterrent for companies focused on the bottom line. However, because ERP software is often used to improve business processes, it can be of...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 8, 2012 | ERP Blog
When guiding our clients through the ERP selection process, we often hear executives say that they are concerned about the viability of their ERP vendors. Even after we’ve confirmed that a product is the best functional fit, made sure it meets the business...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 6, 2012 | Change Management, ERP Blog
We’ve all been there. After hours of feverish work, you try to hit “Save” on your computer and nothing happens. Or it won’t export. Or it just freezes up. The stress of completing important tasks coupled with the stress of a computer (or ERP...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Feb 3, 2012 | ERP Blog, Government
In 2012, it’s not really even up for debate anymore that a significant fiscal issue and challenge facing today’s generation of citizens is the inability at all levels of government to operate efficiently. It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you sit on...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 27, 2012 | ERP Blog
The manufacturing industry has long used ERP systems to provide order and efficiency to their everyday operations. Though recent signs point to growth in manufacturing in the U.S., most shops are still operating as leanly as possible, which means their ERP software...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 25, 2012 | Digital Strategy, ERP Blog, Implementation
Unfortunately, ERP implementations still aren’t any easier than they were 15 years ago when I started in the ERP world. Despite the enterprise software industry’s best intentions to mitigate risk with cloud ERP systems, implementation accelerators, and other tools,...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 23, 2012 | ERP Blog, Implementation
There is no such thing as ERP success without leadership and governance from the executive level. As much as some C-suiters would like to defer involvement in and responsibility for an ERP implementation to their IT department or some other functional area, it is...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 20, 2012 | ERP Blog
When it comes to cloud ERP, the question on everyone’s mind is “How safe is it . . . really?” The simple answer is that it remains to be seen. With that in mind, many organizations are not yet willing to make the leap of trusting all of their data to...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 13, 2012 | Change Management, ERP Blog
Panorama Consulting has been a high-growth company since President Eric Kimberling first opened the doors seven years ago. In 2011, Panorama joined The Prescott Group and successfully integrated a corporate restructure that included bringing on new members to its...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Jan 9, 2012 | ERP Blog
“Manufacturing stores more data than any other sector — close to 2 exabytes of new data stored in 2010,” according to McKinsey’s report on big data. Given that the manufacturing sector continues to show increasing productivity, it follows that the increased use of...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 30, 2011 | ERP Blog
As CFO, regulatory compliance is an issue that you deal with every day. But regulatory compliance for “the cloud”, that is new territory. If you are considering cloud ERP software, the cloud provider that you choose should have a track record with...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 23, 2011 | Change Management, ERP Blog
Finally. You are done with implementation and your ERP system is up and running. You were able to navigate through the grueling and critically important process of figuring out which ERP software package you are going to count on to run the business. You were able to...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 19, 2011 | Change Management, ERP Blog, Implementation
As anyone who has ever been micromanaged by a supervisor can tell you, its effects can be disastrous. But when it’s undertaken by a leader in a project as important as an ERP implementation, the results can be absolutely fatal . . . at least to the health of the...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 16, 2011 | ERP Blog
Businesses world over are looking to become agile, dynamic, and globally integrated. As such, they demand greater speed, control, security and transparency in the way their business is run. Business flexibility results from ERP flexibility – easy connectivity across a...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 14, 2011 | ERP Blog, Software Selection
One of the common themes we discussed in last week’s ERP Boot Camp is the ways that companies typically outgrow their ERP systems over time. Organizations change, enter new markets, respond to customer demands, and maybe even acquire other companies, leaving their...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 9, 2011 | ERP Blog
One of the most frequently asked questions we at Panorama Consulting hear from our clients is, “What is the value of engaging an independent consulting firm to manage our ERP implementation?” After all, the VARs and ERP vendors themselves should know their own...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 7, 2011 | ERP Blog
Confused about the cloud? Stumped over SaaS? Perplexed by platforms? Wonder no more! Panorama has posted a new white paper, Frequently Asked Questions About Cloud ERP to make sure that you have the information you need before deciding which ERP deployment option is...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Dec 5, 2011 | ERP Blog
There has been plenty of information and hype about ERP cloud computing . . . with a strong shot of technical jargon thrown in. Some of the scarier technical terms are being tossed out by IT professionals threatened by the perceived notion that the cloud will make...
by Panorama Consulting Group | Nov 30, 2011 | ERP Blog, Software Selection
The advent of mobile devices is gaining significant momentum in the consumer space, as evidenced by statistics showing that shoppers are using iPhones, tablets, and other mobile devices to conduct their holiday shopping at a rapid accelerating pace. However, the...