As companies continue to invest in digital transformation, they’re recognizing the importance of keeping these modern systems as secure as possible.

While most IT teams can perform basic cybersecurity tasks, enterprise-wide security requires a focus on modern and emerging technologies.

Today, we’re looking at the process of enterprise cybersecurity reskilling and upskilling and sharing some best practices.

Understanding the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

Without a robust security team and senior-level cybersecurity professionals, you will struggle to protect your digital assets from threats.

Studies show that global cyberattacks rose by 38% in 2022, and that number shows no sign of dropping as threats become more nuanced and sophisticated.

While the need is very apparent, the reality is that there aren’t always enough professionals to fill that need. As a result, companies are left grappling with what they do have, using makeshift security solutions to fortify their networks against unforeseen attacks.

One report shows there’s currently a need for more than 3.4 million security professionals across the U.S.

This isn’t surprising considering the rapid adoption of emerging technologies among businesses of all types and sizes. This includes technologies such as AI assistants within ERP systems, IoT technology on the shop floor, advanced analytics platforms, and more.

These technologies require an entirely new cybersecurity skillset, and many professionals haven’t had the opportunity to acquire these skills.

ERP Training Plan Success Story

We helped this manufacturer implement an ERP training strategy to increase user adoption of its new ERP system.

Reskilling vs Upskilling

If you’re implementing an AI-enabled ERP system, a supply chain management system with advanced analytics, or another type of highly connected, highly intelligent tool, now is the time to start bolstering your cybersecurity team.

Here are some options you have.

What is Reskilling?

Some companies provide reskilling programs to job seekers who want to pursue a career change. These outside applicants aren’t necessarily trained in cybersecurity but have related experience and are willing to learn.

Reskilling is also the term used to describe the process of training existing employees for new roles within the company. In this scenario, companies mentor employees who are interested in learning new concepts or changing career paths.

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling is the process of equipping existing employees who are already security professionals with the skills they need to secure the latest digital technologies.

Many companies move beyond basic training and encourage security personnel to obtain advanced certifications. There are many industry certification programs that can train employees on how to protect data and other assets within modern and emerging technologies.

Helping Employees Make the Change

Whether you’re upskilling or reskilling employees, you can expect some degree of hesitancy. Even if they were the ones who initiated the shift, employees might be surprised at how challenging it can be to learn a new skill set.

As you roll out a reskilling program, it’s important to prepare for change resistance. You can use organizational change management (OCM) principles to create a culture of change within your organization starting at the top. The C-suite should be actively involved, championing the reskilling initiative for everyone to see.

By working with an ERP consulting team that has OCM expertise, you can mitigate show-stopping levels of resistance. Your supply chain data, customer data, and everything else worth stealing will be under lock and key, protected by fully-qualified professionals.

Is Enterprise Cybersecurity Reskilling and Upskilling Right for You?

Enterprise cybersecurity reskilling and upskilling takes time and effort, but it can pay dividends. As you improve your security posture and remain responsive to new threats, you can fully realize the benefits of modern enterprise software.

Our organizational change management consultants can help you develop a reskilling strategy and change management plan for your enterprise software implementation. Contact us below for a free consultation.

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