From poor project controls to inadequate organizational change management, ERP implementations are full of potential risks. These risks are sometimes so obscure that it takes the discernment of an independent third party to uncover the threats beneath the surface.

The majority of organizations do not conduct risk assessments throughout their ERP implementations. It is best practice to engage an independent third party to provide independent verification and validation (IV&V) services throughout any large-scale project. IV&V is of value to both the private and public sector, and it is extensively used in government ERP projects.

IV&V consultants can identify and address gaps, defects and quality issues as early in your project as possible. Consultants can verify that your implementation strategy adheres to your implementation plan, and they can validate that the ERP system, project deliverables and project results align with your objectives and business requirements. Ideally, these services are performed by an independent entity that is not directly responsible for performing the activities being evaluated.

Following are several benefits of independent verification and validation:

  • Lower Cost – Compared to a project without IV&V, a project with IV&V will cost less in the long term. When problems are identified early, they can be fixed before they become a financial burden.
  • Improved Quality – IV&V focuses on assessing the quality and value of deliverables and project activities, and cutting those activities (if any) that are not providing business value.
  • Higher Benefits Realization – A quantitative and qualitative assessment of a project’s methodology and results ensures that the project is on-track to realize the business benefits an organization expects.
  • Reduced Management Strain – While independent consultants are busy identifying and solving problems, your organization’s management team is free to focus on strategic issues related to the implementation rather than technical issues.

The best partner for providing IV&V services is an independent consultant with technical and business competencies, a specialization in ERP systems and a team-based approach. An IV&V partner should also have solution-specific, hands-on experience and consistently leverage a proven methodology and toolset.

To learn more, download our white paper, The Importance of Independent Verification and Validation.

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